100% working tips to learn everything about how to sell vector on Shutterstock?

The easiest way to get the answer to your question “How to sell vectors on Shutterstock” is to create some cool vectors that people need. Upload them on Shutterstock and learn about how to sell vectors on Shutterstock? 


Selling vector stock on Shutterstock is not much hard, as people think, because you don’t need to worry about the vector you created. If that is good enough will sale, if not, people don’t buy that. That’s it. 


The process of selling vectors on Shutterstock is very easy. You need only three things in your hand

  1. Computer
  2. Vector Software (strongly recommended Adobe Illustrator)
  3. Internet Connection

and you need one thing in your mind is “Patience”.


So are you ready to learn how to sell vectors on Shutterstock? Then don’t research too much. Just start with us. 


You have to be aware of some points before creating your vector art is 

  1. Don’t steal someone’s copyright work.
  2. Make vector that can be easily convertible in Illustrator 10 Version.
  3. The vector you are creating should have commercial value.



  1. Creating Shutterstock contributor Account
  2. Having an Identity card to upload on Shutterstock, to review your identity by Shutterstock.
  3. Creating vectors in Adobe Illustrator in 4 megapixels size. (Any version)
  4. Saving your vector art in EPS 10 
  5. Uploading on Shutterstock.
  6. Writing descriptions and keywords.
  7. Waiting for accepting your artwork by Shutterstock reviewer.
  8. Congratulations, your work has been accepted. 

If rejected? Read the next points to avoid the rejections of Vectors on Shutterstock. 


Learn how to avoid the rejections on Shutterstock, to learn How to sell vectors on Shutterstock?

We’re already created a deep content about how to sell vectors on Shutterstock? You can get every detail, tips, and tricks of selling vectors on Shutterstock. Now if you are suffering by the rejections of your vector art by Shutterstock reviewer, chances you are doing any mistake in creating your vector art. Keep in mind the main points before uploading on Shutterstock your vector art.


1. – Don’t insert images in your vector art. Shutterstock doesn’t accept image in EPS files. 


2. – Never use gradient opacity tool, because whenever you save your work in EPS 10 or EPS 8 to upload on Shutterstock, all the objects on you are used the effect of gradient opacity will be converted into an image, and Shutterstock doesn’t accept any vector in which have an image file.

how to sell vectors on Shutterstock

3. – Don’t create complex trace, Shutterstock never accept any traced image file, but you can upload traced watercolor background.

Complex trace cause rejections on Shutterstock, learn how to sell vectors on Shutterstock   4. – Don’t forget to convert all fonts into objects

Converting text into object in Adobe Illustrator, learn how to sell vectors on Shutterstock.

5. – Keep in mind while uploading to click on vector or illustration. If you are uploading any captured image by your camera, you have to select on “Photo”, if you’re uploading your vector art in JPG formate, or uploading digital painting or 3d render, you have to click on “Illustration”. Otherwise, your image will be rejected with the message “This is not a vector, please remove the word Vector from the image, description and keywords”,

Using proper vector or Illustration, how to sell vectors on Shutterstock

Conclusions : So, you’re learned here how to sell vectors on Shutterstock? with the most common rejection reasons for vector art. If you are still struggling to get ample income from Shutterstock by selling vectors, you have to definitely read our article  How to Sell Vectors on Shutterstock to easily Generate $117 a Month

Earning money by selling vector art is not as much easy as everyone thinks, but also it is not as hard as you think.  You can easily generate passive and stable income for years by creating and selling vectors, and Shutterstock is the best place to sell vectors. 

Good luck!

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