What is a Logo? Characteristic and Types of best-designed Logos

Why everyone is crazy for the logo? Every time we see the world, logos are scattered everywhere. From small shops to the global market, logos are made their place everywhere.
We think logos are the creation of humans, but the reality differs. Our nature have their own logos, we see trees, mountains, rivers, sea, sun, moon, sky, leaf, flowers, plants, water everything is created by God. All the things are in their own unique shape and the shapes are the identity of all of them. The universe is also the creation of an awesome graphic designer.
We are highly inspired by these and only doing a copy of all of the creations of the universe. So what? Is not logo designing is much easy? We are only doing copies from nature, and the only reason is designing a logo is much easy if we know the right way. Here are all of the shortcuts but effective ways.
A logo is the main part of any business, now if the business is a startup or they are experts in this. Their main role in marketing is done by the brand logo. Logos are most helpful in the marketing of any brand. People can’t remember brands if they have no logo.
Do you know, the human mind has the ability to remember things for a long time, which we see visually. We can easily remember visual information in our mind, than just hearing or seeing them. So, the well-designed logos are most useful to remember for the long term.
Logos are the only thing that plays the most effective roles in the marketing of any business. So we are providing here many useful and great tips which surely help you in finding a perfect logo in lesser time without straying.
A. Simplicity –
Simplicity is the only part of logo designing, which is ignored by both the client and the designer. The client thinks I had paid money for designing a logo, so this should be more finely designed with details, while the designer thinks if I simplified, the client will dought on my skill. So the result will be a complex designed logo, which will not fulfill the needs.
The simplicity makes the logo more attractive and easy to remember. So always try to make logos creative but simple.
B. Indicative –
A well-designed logo has its own intention to say something. If they are well designed, the person does not need to explain their business, as the work has already been done by their logo. So, if you are designing a logo, there should be something indicative, which explains the business of brands.
C. Meaningful-
Whatever is in this world is for some reason, whether it is small or big. Likewise, if the logo is on someone’s brochure or on a business card, it should be for some reason and the reasons are always meaningful.
Meaningful logos must fit into the business model. otherwise, they will be only a symbol that does not have any meaning to be there.
D. Attraction –
Keeping all the points in mind, the most important part of the logo is the attraction. A charming logo attracts more eyes from the crowd and is more effective to memorize for the long term.
So, a regular, clean designed, high quality, beautiful, meaningful, indicative, easy to remember, logos are the center of attraction.
This is the second and also the important point to know about, before starting designing a logo. In 2019, there are many types of logo styles are in trend. If you are a beginner and want to be passionate about logo designing, you should be familiar with the style and types of logos.
We divided the types of logos into mainly four types.

As the name implies, wordmark is the logo, which doesn’t use any kind of icon, symbol or picture in it. Wordmark logo is completely text, which is arranged and designed by professional designers to extrude the main propose of the logo. In an easy way, wordmark logos is the perfectly designed typography or text which fulfills the purpose to be the logo.
There are many famous brands, they have wordmark logos. The most famous names on the list are Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Coco-Cola, Sony, Disney, Dell, Amazon, Canon, and many more.

Lettermark logos are the short form of the full name of the company. Lettermark logos are mostly used when the name of the company is too long and difficult to remember.
Mostly the lettermark logo uses the first letter from all the words of the company name and then all these first letters are designed as a logo.
Lettermark logos are more effective if your company is popular and well known by your customers, otherwise, you should also use your company’s full name in your logo which you can remove by the time.
The most famous lettermark logos brands are HBO (Home Box Office), CNN ( Cable News Network), WB (Warner Bros), BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization).

A brandmark or logo, known as a pictorial mark or abstract mark logo, has a symbol with the brand name on it.
The picture has always some relation with the name and works well to highlight the emotions of the logo. Sometimes a well-designed brandmark logos have some hidden message, which represents the brand.
Brandmark logos are good for the company which has a long name and they didn’t want the lettermark logo than they can explain their feelings in this form. Also if the company’s business is in the area, where people can’t understand the language of the logo, then the pictorial mark can easily represent the company in the area.
The popular abstract mark logos are Apple, Microsoft.